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Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:00:44 PST
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Hi as many of you know I purchased reece in the begining of jan.  Well I
have been carefully considering buying reece a playmate.  I was just
wondering since reece is a male, will he get along better with a female or
male???  Also, during the summer I will be going home from school.  I have
two cats and a dog.  The cats would probably eat the ferrets, therefore,
my mom suggested that we keep them in the basement.  The basement is very
creepy.  It is dark, although I would keep a light on for the ferrets with
a cement floor, and it is much cooler than the upstairs would be.  I will
bring the ferrets up stairs to run around when I am home.  That is another
reason why I thought purchasing another ferret would be good.  Reece would
not get lonely in the dreery basement.  Is it a good idea to keep them in
the basement??  I would think it would be because my parents do not keep
the air on when the are at work, therefore it would be much cooler for
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[Posted in FML issue 2625]