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Tue, 23 Mar 1999 11:55:18 -0500
Dawn Goodridge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
I was wondering if anyone would care to comment on a couple of behaviors
I've noticed in my Loki-doki (so, ok, doki is not part of his real name,
but I find it sickeningly cute):
1. Feed bowl chewing.  He'll take a couple of bits of food and then a
couple of bites of the rim of his ceramic feed bowl.  I keep thinking it
will hurt his teeth and he'll cut it out, but it hasn't happened yet.
2. Any corner but the right one!  When he's running around our apartment,
he's got one and only one litter box to use and he uses it each and every
time.  In his four-story cage, however, he'll use any corner BUT the one
the litter box is in.  I've tried using bitter apple as a deterrent and
that didn't help.  I've even given him treats when he does use the litter
box in the cage, but that doesn't seem to be helping either.  I just find
it so odd that he would use the litter box in one place but not in another.
3. Also, when I give him Linotone as a treat, I'll let him lick it from my
finger.  As soon as he's done with my finger, he always licks his chest!  I
guess he figures some might have dribbled down?
P.S. Loki may be a young recruit for the FLO.  He's IM'd me with the
following message: ''lke;''d - I'm still trying to decipher it.  Was the
message meant for me?  Could he be a double agent?  Hmmmm....
[Posted in FML issue 2625]