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Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:01:43 +1200
text/plain (30 lines)
Hi guys,
Today, a sad ferret came to me.  Well, he *was* sad.  He was missin' his
mom and dad awful bad, alt'ough he'd onwy jus' awwived.  Bu' when I showed
him how to wook an' see his mom and dad an' fwiends fwom de Wainbow Bwidge,
he did feel wots better.  He ask'd me to tell his mom and dad dat he wuvs
dem an' he misses dem, and he will watch over dem.  He was *much* happier
when I tol' him dat one day dey'll join him here!  So to Jake's mom and
dad, he wuvs you vewy vewy much an' misses you, an' he's pwomised to keep
an eye on you for ages an'... oh... Dat didn' last wong! <chortle>  He
foun' de All You Can Eat Waisin Bar!  Well, when he isn' eatin' waisin's
he'll be watchin' you an' t'inkin' of you.
Bailey bounced over earlier... Well... bounced over an' under and... well,
he's alweady hit a couple of twees and heaps of ot'er ferrets!  He jus'
dwopped in to say hi an' he misses you, an' tol' me to say de Wainbow
Bwidge is fun!  Well, wooks wike Bailey'd find fun anywhere <dook dook> He
keeps twipping himself up!
Ouch!  He twipped into *me*!  Don' do dat!!  Ow!  I'm gonna get goin' - it
isn't safe here for now!
Buh Bye!
Visit some of my fwiends!
[Posted in FML issue 2624]