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Fri, 19 Mar 1999 09:22:35 -0500
Rebecca McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
I have to admit that I am the person of the family who did not want
ferrets!  My kid kept after me, my husband loves them.  Nope, no way,
nada, etc. etc. etc.!
Well, Sara kept working on me and Larry and I sat down and had a talk.  I
went to a pet store, held one and was hooked!  Sara's dad had told her he'd
help her get a ferret if I agreed, so when I finally said yes, she went to
him and he turned her down.  Needless to say, Larry & I were both pretty
@*#(%& mad!  We sent the kid to Montana to visit her grandparents last
July, and while she was gone I found Socks & his cage in the paper.
Sara got home, we went to the feed/pet store here in town, and voila--there
was Kit.  6 weeks old, gorgeous, came home with us.  In September we became
owned by Scully & Genie, then at Christmas Larry & Sara got me Calvin &
Suzy Derkins for Christmas.  In February the local pet store put their
ferrets on sale.  In the group was the blaze/badger that I had been
watching since early December.  Well, I 'Bambi eyed' Larry and Mookie came
home!  Now, remember that it was my daughter we got Socks for?  Guess whose
really the "Keeper of the Ferrets"--ME!  I love 'em!  They own me and I'm
their slave.  Everybody else is allowed to enjoy them, though.  I am
magnanimous enough to allow that.  (And do I hear it from the kid--"you
were the one who never liked them.  They were supposed to be mine!" Yeah,
yeah, yeah.  We're talking about a kid that when Scully gets near her
jumps onto the bathroom sink and almost draws her feet up over her head!
For some reason Scully attacks Sara, and then when the others nip her, ye
gods & little fishes does the girl howl!
Elizabeth: The visions that your post brought up were hysterical!
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 2621]