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Thu, 18 Mar 1999 01:25:18 EST
Kim VanderLaan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
Sunshine <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Can other's share their ferret's age, weight and sex?
Weights in pounds are approximate, and some of my kids have started losing
their winter weight and coats.
Cricket - will be 4 yrs in May,          853g (1.85#)          Female
Tracy   - will be 4 yrs in June,         577g (1.25#)          Female
Dexter - 1 1/2 yrs now,                 1166g (2.55#)          Male
Rosie   - will be 1 yr in Aug,          1011g (2.4#)           Female
Myst    - will be 1 yr in Aug,           828g (1.8#)           Female
Riven   - will be 1 yr in Aug,           903g (2#)             Female
>When a ferret is in a ferret proof area, how long do you not have to worry
>about them getting hurt or eating something bad?
I don't ever let my guys run free without my being right there.  About once
a month or so, one will figure out how to get to something I thought was
safely out of their reach.  Tonight it was the puppy pads, a feather, and
a toy of my daughters that had all been put up so the little monsters
couldn't get to them.  Rosie managed to scale the bookshelf up about 4 -
4 1/2 feet and get to all the stuff.  She proceeded to drop everything down
for the whole crew to play with...........
>Are some treats bad for the ferret to eat?  Meaning the treat can get
>stuck on their teeth or not go down?  I'm always afraid of raisins and
I've never experienced this problem, but I don't give many treats.  My guys
get Cheerios and raisins for treats.  That's it.
>How many treats can you give?  I realize treats are not food, but any stats
>on how much and how often to give?
Again, I don't give many.  My guys each get one raisin and 2 or 3 Cheerios
per day.  They also get a few drops of Ferretone.
>Does anyone put coverings on the cage stairs?
I use vinyl flooring on my wire floors.  I don't think that would be very
good on the ramps, so I leave my ramps as (coated) wire.
>If you ferret sit, how do you protect your ferret's from other's if the
>ferret is sick?  How do you know the person is honest besides shot
>paperwork?  The same applies to people we visit who own ferret's?
I don't ferret sit for anyone I don't know.  My ferrets have had to stay at
a shelter while I was on vacation recently.  (They came to Florida with me,
but could not go on 2 overnight trips - so they stayed at a shelter in
Florida.) The couple who run the shelter and I got together before the
ferrets came over.  That way we could get to know each other a bit and
realize that we could trust each other.  My paperwork is pretty complete.
I weigh my ferrets frequently and record it each time.  I also have proof
of current vaccinations.
>ECE question - I understand this is a virus, but is the main place to get
>it from is a Petstore, Shelter or people who own ferret's?
The way I understand it, ECE is transmitted from an infected (active or
carrier) ferret.  That ferret can be in any of the above places.
>Can people tell me if their ferret's climb cages?  If so, can they get
>down once they are up?
Some of mine climb the cages.  So far, if they climb up, they can climb
>Our ferret's mean alot to us and so this is why I ask so many questions.
Not a problem.  I cut out the questions I could not answer.
Kim and The Super (usually.......) Six
[Posted in FML issue 2618]