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Wed, 17 Mar 1999 04:47:10 -0500
Dawn Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Good Morning to ALL and there Fuzzy's.  Hope all is well with everyone!!!!!
First I just want to let everyone know that Tazy is doing FANTASTIC!!!!!
He's completely back to his rambunksious self, and gaining weight again,
however I'm still watching him closely just incase he has a relapse.
Thanks again to all who helped me through this!!!!
Now I have a question, I would like to know if anyone can tell me whats
best to use for brushing there teeth?  I was told that I could use
toothpaste for cats, but I rather not if theres a product out there just
for ferrets, is there one just for ferrets, and can anyone give me any
info on it?
Oh yeah, I have one more question pertaining to my older ferret.  He seems
to be getting along fine with the new kit I got but sometimes I have to
seperate them, they haven't drawn blood yet but I'm worried about this.
I haven't put them togeather in a cage yet as I'm waiting to purchase a
bigger cage.  The question I have is this, my older fuzzy(Tazy) has never
been vocal before, but now it seems that when he's had enough of the rough
housing with the kit(squeeker) he hisses at him, this kind of surprized me
because I've never heard him do this, should I worry about this?  It seems
like when he hisses the kit will kind of back off for a minute.  Is this
some kind of warning signal, or a natural reaction, does anyone know?  I
would appreciate it if anyone can answer these questions.  Gotta get ready
for work now, so all of you and your fuzzy's have a GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Alot,
Dawn, Tazy, and Squeeker
[Posted in FML issue 2618]