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Mon, 15 Mar 1999 10:46:30 -0500
Power & Motoryacht <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
First, the good news  is that Zeke is home.
Jan. 31 Zeke escaped from house through a hole in a screen and walked a
block and a half away and into someone's back door and spent the night in
their house.
Yesterday, I was cleaning out their room with the door to the outside open
as I was doing a major cleaning of cages, etc.  Anyway, my 9 kids were shut
out of their area (I thought).  I had finished cleaning and putting things
back together and was actually resting when my neighbor, Toby, rang my bell
and had Zeke in his hands.  Apparently Zeke walked out of the door (Zeke is
my brick climber so I guess he climbed over his wall), which is a side door
looking at my neighbor's house.  His back door was open, so Zeke just ran
in and ran into one of the bedrooms and up on the bed.  Toby's roommate
yelled that there was a rat in his room.  Toby knows I have ferrets and
returned him to me.
After 7 years of being owned by ferrets, I realize I was a little too
complacent.  Now that Zeke has experienced the outside world I am going to
have to have my guard up real well.  I can only be thankful that he keeps
wandering into people's homes and so far those people have been aware that
he is a pet.
Dona in S. Florida
Ollie, Zoe, Zeke, Luke, Caesar, Roxie, Panda, Sadie & Moe
[Posted in FML issue 2616]