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Sat, 13 Mar 1999 19:23:32 -0500
Joyce Snyder <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
This is my first time posting on the FML after reading for several months.
But feel this is SO IMPORTANT.  We have 6 wonderful fuzzies and have been
owned by these precious babies for almost 3 years now.  Even with all of
our reading and trying to learn as much as we could, we were not aware
until now how VERY important it is to feed your fuzzies a mixture of
several good ferret foods.
We had a terrible scare this past week.  And thank God we are fortunate
enough to have some wonderful and VERY knowledgeable fuzzie friends who
came to the rescue instantly.
Our youngest fuzzie, Casey suddenly stopped eating.  We knew he was not
having any medical problems and felt it was some type of change in the food
he had been eating.  He was eating just fine that morning and when I opened
a new bag of food that nite, he simply would not eat.  We knew he was
hungry because he kept going back to the bowl but refused to eat.  He is
the only fuzzie out of the 6 that eats this particular brand.  All of the
others eat another brand.  By the next morning I was frantic.  Emailed 3
people at 6am with frantic messages and by 8:00 (while I was at work) one
was already at my house with duck soup helping my sweetie feed our baby.
This went on for three days.  Another friend placed call to the president
of co. of the food in question and 30 minutes later he called me back.
Long story short, finally found food by same company that smelled just like
the other,brought it home and voila,Casey is eating again.  But, if I had
not found this what would we have done.  I now am going to be making mix of
several foods,gradually of course so that this potential disaster does not
happen again.
Important: mix food and hope you are as lucky as we were to have such good
friends willing to come to the rescue and have such great knowledge to help.
Thank you B., P. and C. You were lifesavers!!!!!
Joyce, Mark and the 6 fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 2614]