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Fri, 12 Mar 1999 02:28:32 -0800
AR Gailey <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Hi Ferret Lovers and Friends,
I need to find an inexpensive or free ferret cage ASAP!  I prefer the 4
story (36" wide x 14" deep x 48" tall) Small Animal Kingdom (brand) black
(or any color if they make other colors) cage, simply because I already
have two, and it is the best use of space in my small apartment.  I just
adopted a fifth ferret who gets along well with the female of one pair,
and so far, questionably with the male of the other pair.  Unfortunately,
the male and female of those respected pairs try to kill her, and both
pairs try to kill each other.  None of the suggested methods I've found on
the FML has worked.  All five ferrets adore me and I, them, and the male
and female of each pair adore each other.  I still try periodically to
introduce them to each other, but so far, unsuccessfully.  The ferrets
range in age from six months (my newest, sweetest and cutest, best-behaved
ferret, Anna), to the oldest pair, (deaf brother and sister Henry and
Missy, about two years old.) The other pair, Felix and Angel Baby about
2 and 1 1/2 respectively.  All are rescues or adoptees from people who
couldn't keep them.  Two are Marshall Farms, Angel Baby, a small female
Albino, and Anna, an absolutely gorgeous, precious, adorable sable female.
These two get a long great with each other and are both the more
submissive, more mild mannered Omegas of all five (if I can refer to them
according to dog "pack-heirarchy").  The other three all seem to be
Alpha-types with one possibly being a Beta type.
Well, I don't know if this makes some of my dilemma clear, but giving any
of them up is not an option for me, unless at some point I find I am unable
to provide for them financially or in other ways.  As it is right now
though, I am stretched to my limit.  My husband and I recently separated,
and are probably going to get a divorce, and I am in very tight
circumstances as I try to start over.  My babies are my life.  They eat
before I do, get vet care before I get medical care, they get toys and
playtime with me and each other almost to the exclusion of everything else.
But now I need to ask for help, advice, and hopefully a really good deal on
a decent cage.  I am willing to pay 75.00 to 100.00 for one of these cages,
used but in good condition, which runs between 159.00 and 165.00 new at
Petco.  But I also need to make special payment arrangements over time.
Is there anyone out there, in Washington State, preferably, who might be
willing to work with me on this?  I could also use any additional
suggestions on potty training that people might have.  My first pair and
newest baby were both well potty trained, but when my second pair came
along, they weren't.  Territorial marking/potty behavior seemed to spread
to the others from their inconsistent use of the litter box and their
rival-behavior.  I feel like I am getting in over my head with constant
carpet cleaning.  Help, anyone???!!!  Thanks
Henry Longfellow, Missy, Felix, Angel Baby, Anna (ferrets)
Honey, Oliver and Albert Schweitzer the II (ferret-beleaguered cats aka =
ferret toys)
and two adorable parakeets seeking a loving, financially stable and =
bird-experienced home
[Posted in FML issue 2613]