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Wed, 10 Mar 1999 01:06:27 -0600
text/plain (20 lines)
After much reseach and deliberation these past few months, I have decided
to set forth my goal to be owned by two ferts.  However, I am a grad
student and have a budget.  Affording the monthly supplies isn't the
problem, its the initial set up that has put a financial crunch in my goal.
I have been to local pet shops looking for a cage, but the ones I have
found don't look big enough for two ferrets, not to mention they all want
$200 for it.  And after that I still need dishes, litter pans, travel
carrier, grooming supplies, food, treats, toys, and any few miscellaneous
things I can't think of at the moment.  Oh, and I still need to buy the
ferts.  Does anyone have any suggestions about how I might get around some
of these expenses?  I want to get my apartment set for their homecoming
before spring break, because I want to get them during spring break so I
will have an exuberant amount of time to spend with them as they are
getting used to their new home.
Desperately seeking suggestions (email me!!!)
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[Posted in FML issue 2611]