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Thu, 4 Mar 1999 11:31:17 -0500
Tryntje Miller <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hello once again.
To msperling: That happened to our Benji only he got it caught on the cage
door hinge.  Blood everywhere.  Couldn't get it stopped.  We dipped it in
cornstarch and it stopped instantly.  Then we put colloidal silver on it
a few times a day, after cleaning it with peroxide and he never got
infection.  It also happened with our Dyna.  Amazingly, she never bled.
We kept it clean with peroxide and because we never knew about colloidal
silver back then, peroxide was all we used.  Again, we were all fortunate
that infection did not set in.
Jasper: That big red blotch, the size of a grapefruit, resulting from
having some liquid taken, by needle, out of his abdomen, is as good as
gone.  Thank God.  Boy was that a frightening experience.  Thanks to the
person who wrote a couple of days ago that had a similar experience with
the raspberry blotch after some surgery (I think).  This experience helped
me cope with ours.
Buddy: Poor guy is not doing well.  He is about 8 yr. old and is just plain
tired.  His spirit is being broken and he is giving up.  He has lost a lot
of weight and will basically only wanting a very thin version of duck soup.
He is having some tummy discomfort too because he keeps chewing the air.
Please keep praying for our aging and ailing crew.
Take care.
Tryntje Miller.
[Posted in FML issue 2605]