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Fri, 26 Feb 1999 09:09:57 EST
"Vicki L. Pagano" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (100 lines)
[Moderator's note: This topic was discussed at length earlier this month.
Please see issues 2578-2580 and 2583 before responding.  Note the original
post (in issue 2578) did not mention PETA as being the source.  BIG]
Hi, I read the list quite often, but don't usually have much to say, so I
don't post.
Today, however, is a different story.  My stepdaughter, age 19, is a member
of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.  She receives a
newsletter every month or so.
Last night she gave the letter to me to read.  Knowing how passionate I
am about ferrets, having 3 fuzzies of my own, I was appalled and very
I want to quote from the letter here, see what you think about this!!!!  I
am enraged!!!!!
Dated February, 1999
"Dear Friend of the Investigations and Rescue Fund,
"Imagine having to make a choice-torture animals or quit your job.  It's
a terrible thought, but every day, people are faced with that choice,
especially in the medical professions."
"Recently, RIR received several calls for help from employees of St.
Margaret Mercy Healthcare Centers in Indiana about the hospital's use of
ferrets in intubation training.  This is a common medical procedure
involving the insertion of a tube into the lungsto assist in breathing."
"Most modern hospitals use 'patient simulators' when training staff to
perform an intubation.  Although less enlightened instructors and less
progressive hospitals still use animals, the use of simulators is popular
because they mirror human anatomy and are inexpensive (as little as $325).
Unfortunately, St.  Margaret Mercy Healthcare Centers haven't made the
switch from outdated teaching methods."
The newsletter then goes on to quote employees of the hospital who have
told PETA the following:
"There is no similarity between human anatomy and a ferret's"
"I have never admitted a ferret to my floor....if we are treating people,
we should learn on people."
"I don not think I need to torture a helpless animal when anatomical models
of humans are available."
"Several students will practice on one ferret and this will result in the
poor creature being destroyed, usually after several seizures."
"After intubation, these animals are so maimed they cannot survive."
The newsletter goes on to say that RIR wrote to the hospital regarding
these allegations, and they have received no response.
It then continues "At this very minute, a Dr. Jaimovich continues to
"train" St. Margaret Mercy Healthcare Centers respiratory staff using
terrified, defenseless animals, and the training is MANDATORY."
They then state the Presidents name, his address and phone number at the
hospital so people can contact him directly about this.
His name is Gene Diamond, President, St. Margaret Mercy Healthcare Centers
5454 Hohman Ave., Hammond IN, 46320
The telephone number there is 219-932-2300, press 0 for operator and ask to
speak to Mr. Diamond.  Fax number there is 219-933-2585.
I am personally infuriated about this, and intend to write a few letters to
these people.  I understand we need medical testing, we need to train
medical personnel so we can be treated by a competent staff member when
we need services of this nature.
I don't understand !!!  What is the purpose of using ferrets to train
personnel in a procedure where ferrets don't even come close top human
beings anatomically!!!!
I can't even bear to think about what these poor fuzzies experience, and I
want to cry when I look at my own babies, and think they could've ended up
there instead of home with me.
Ferrets are the sweetest, gentlest, (except for Dakota, the biter :-))
creatures I know.  My heart is breaking over this, and I am so very angry.
I believe we have an opportunity here to do something, get this man's
attention, and possibly get him to cease this senseless destruction of
I am urging all of us, we "family members" of the ferret mailing list, to
join together and begin a campaign to stop this maliciousness.  What do you
think about this?
Ferret love is the best love,
hugs to all fuzzies and their hoomans,
[Posted in FML issue 2599]