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Sun, 14 Feb 1999 16:27:05 EST
Dee Race <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hello All,
I'm borrowing a friend's computer to post this since my life doesn't
include Internet access.  I do have this same friend printing out the daily
FML for me to read so I will eventually get your response but any replies
on my part will be delayed.
I'm a member of the Great Lakes Ferret Association education committee and
we are planning a booth at the upcoming Silverleaf festival in Galesburg,
MI.  [ It's a renaissance festival ] They have had greyhound rescue and
falconers in the past -- we'd like to make the ferret's significance to the
era known.  [ and educate people about their importance in the present.  ]
What I need are references of ferrets, their uses, prominence, etc., for
the "middle ages" Sources could be books [preferable], paintings, whatever.
I'd like something I can reference back to for authenticity.  I'm not aware
if Silverleaf focuses on a specific time frame -- most festivals span
anywhere from 1200-1600 or so.  [ I'm not an expert on medieval history by
any means.]
Thank You in advance for any help.  I will be visiting libraries as well
but any titles [or websites] you have found relevant will help my search.
The festival isn't until July but I need enough time to compile the
On a related note -- does anyone know what medieval ferrets wore to hunt?
harness?  collar?  in leather??  I only have a suit of chain mail for mine
and he finds it difficult to hunt in =).
Dooks to all.
June Wolf
A education committee with Trevor, Dodger, and Beast
[Posted in FML issue 2587]