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Wed, 10 Feb 1999 02:45:30 EST
"Charleen H. Schuster" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Just wanted to make a comment regarding the 3 week old ferret that died at
Petco in Washington.  The comment about Petco having ferrets that are to
young that should still be with the Jill.
I think there is more then one group of people that are causing this!  The
breeder that I have heard that Petco is getting their ferrets from is
Triple F Farms in Pa.  now.  I have noticed not only in Petco but other
petstores here in Washington that are getting their ferrets from Triple F
Farms, that they are coming to the pet stores at a very early age.  Is
there not a law that says what age a ferret can be flown from one state to
another.  I would think this is where fault should also be brought up.  All
ferrets have to go thorough a health check before they are shipped, why is
the "Vet" or whoever does this letting these ferrets being flown from the
East coast to the West Coast at such an early age.  Also why doesn't the
stores say that they will not take any pet that is any younger then like 12
weeks of age at the youngest and have documentation, proof when that kit
was born!  When you ask the stores the birthday of such kits most of the
stores do not have any ideal when the Kit was born.  They can only tell you
when it was shipped to them.  Anyway this is what I have been told at one
particular pet store here in Washington, by one of the managers.  Maybe it
isn't the pet store we should be complaining to but to the breeder that the
ferrets are coming from.
A Washington Ferret owner.
Ferretails and the 11 tails!
[Posted in FML issue 2583]