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Thu, 4 Feb 1999 12:31:07 -0800
text/plain (17 lines)
Hi first I would like to interduce myself.  I have only one ferret right
now, a honey mite named Tigger.  He is great and we both enjoy the post.
Soon we will be joined by his brothers Cosmo(a silver blaze w/bergandy
eyes) and Lucky (a albino) Who are waiting for us in Tulsa.  I am learning
more each day about ferrets and I love it.  But one of my friends is having
a hard time with her little female.  Seems that she is a determened bitter.
She has tried Bitter Apple and hot sauce on her fingers and no results.
She has alos tried putting things like Ferretone ect on her fingers to
intise her little bugger to like those "evil tentacals" but to no avail.
I don't know what else to suggest as that's as far as my knowledge goes.
She is trying to give her baby T.L.C.  but it just is not working and she
is hurt and sad when her little dear latches on her poor fingers.  Any
suggestions would be wonderful and given to her A.S.A.P.  Thanks again!
Tigger's mommy
[Posted in FML issue 2577]