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Mon, 1 Feb 1999 23:31:03 -0500
text/plain (38 lines)
Hello Again, I didn't want to combined this post with my Thank You post
because this is going to be long.  Still reeling from Kizsi going to the
bridge, I woke up this morning to my Yoshi lethargic and grinding her
teeth.  I went to the vet and since my doctor wasn't there I saw a new
young guy right out of vet school.  Poor Yoshi was laying on the table
otter-like hardly moving and he didn't know what to do.  Finally xrayed
her and didn't find anything.  Her heart sounded good.  She is eating, She
is pooping.  BUT she has terrible red rings around her eyes and looks
miserable.  She looks real tired.  He sent me home with Baytril, Told me to
isolate her and if she wasn't better tomorrow bring her back.  I leave and
I am in panic and crying.  I got home and she is so still and looks so
miserable.  She is still grinding her teeth so I knew the poor baby was
in pain.  I didn't know what to do so I called a shelter operator.  Joan
at Four Paws Rescue in N.H.  is an Angel.  The minute I told her what the
symptoms were she knew that Yoshi had an ulcer.  She told me what to do
and how to do it.  THANK YOU JOAN.  I called the clinic and this time got
another vet.  This vet has treated Ferret Ulcers.  She gave me just what
Joan told me that Yoshi needed and gave Yoshi her first meds right there.
She explained that the ulcers were either caused by Heliobacter or a
foreign object.  She said if it was caused by the Heliobacter I should
see an improvement in 72 hours due to the amoxy drops.  If there is no
improvement we should do more xrays with barium and maybe surgery.  Does
this sound right?
I just had to give Yoshi her Pepto.  1/15th of a pill.  I mixed it with
pedialite.  She got more of it on me then in her I think so I gave her some
extra.  She fights so bad.  Even the doctor had a time getting these meds
down her.  Any advice is much appreciated.  And Thank You again.  To say I
am feeling terribly stressed is an understatement.  But I would stand on my
head to get Yoshi well.
In Frienship,
Victoria (Missing my Kizsi)
Got a minute? Take a Peek! My critter
[Posted in FML issue 2574]