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Fri, 29 Jan 1999 10:16:13 -0500
EI - Lydia French <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Thanks everybody for all of your helpful suggestions and SUPPORT.  I took
Casper back to the vet and she did another look see.  Well she thinks
Casper has torn a ligament.  She is calling Dr. Andrea Maceri, for a second
opinion.  Has anybody ever had this problem?  Ossi and Snickers are so much
bigger and are forever pouncing on little Casper to play.  I dont know if
this caused it or if she fell from the top shelf of the cage.  She seems to
playing just the same as before.  But she doesnt use that leg.  Our vet
doesnt know of any kind of treatment for her.  Does anybody?
Ossi and the treat update.  Well I have tried lots of stuff, (so many
suggestions wow!) and well he still only takes his Iams as a treat.
I have also been reading about ferrets as thieves.  Well mine dont steal.
How strange.  I find some food under the end table but thats all.
One cute story I do have to tell.  Snickers was playing with the little
ball we got for them, and it was time for a potty break.  Instead of
dropping the ball (worried about the others getting the ball) she went
into the litter box with the ball still in her mouth.  thats when I wished
I had a camera.  I do love these little fuzzbutts.
I also wanted to thank BIG for putting this together and mailing it out
everyday.  I have gotten so much information and help here.  You do a
really great job.
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Ossi Isis Snickers and Casper
[Posted in FML issue 2571]