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Tue, 26 Jan 1999 07:48:08 -0800
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
Hi there.  This is Margarete from the badlands.  My heart goes out to all
of those that have lost their loving little fuzzies.  I cried as I read
your stories and felt your loss, but I'm sure that their playing joyfully
with all of their friends on the other side of the rainbow bridge.  I give
my babies hugs and kisses everyday because I'm finding out that you just
never know how long you will have these sweet little angels.  And since my
human children are raised and out on their own, these are my babies now.
I am a little dissappointed that I didn't get more of a response to my post
about my babies not getting along.  I read about all of you that have a
whole bunch of fuzzies and they all seem to get along.  Maybe this problem
is not very common or maybe it is because I have to post anonomyously and
people can't e-mail me direct.  It has been a month now and every time I
try to introduce Kari and Tasi, it ends up a heartbreaking and traumatic
experience for all of us.  I have tried holding Kari and letting Tasi come
up and sniff him and he just wants to attack him.  I push him gently out of
the way with a stern no!  and he just gets more and more aggressive and if
I try to get him to scruff him he bites the crap out of me.  I don't blame
him because I know that he is either so mad he can't see straight or he is
afraid and must think that it is Kari that is trying to grab him even
though Kari has never tried to fight back.  He just screams and trys to get
away.  I just give Tasi a time out.  So here we have Kari upset because he
just got bit, Tasi upset because he's locked up and me heartbroken because
I just love my babies soo much and can't believe that my sweet, loving baby
Tasi wants to kill Kari and that he is actually biting me and drawing
blood.  I recently tried it the other way around, by holding Tasi and
letting Kari sniff him (a suggestion from a new found friend from the FML).
Kari is so cute because he just wants to bury his nose in Tasi's fur.  At
least this way I can hold Tasi's mouth to keep him from biting everyone.
Tasi did still manage to get a hold of Kari though and I had pry his jaws
loose.  From all that I have heard, I don't think that this is a normal
pecking order kind of behavior, but I don't really know anyone that has
ever had this problem with their ferrets (maybe because I don't really know
anyone else with ferrets).  I don't want to have to get rid of Kari because
he is so sweet and lovable, and I am already attached, but if I have to in
order to make Tasi happy again I guess I won't have a choice.  After all he
was my first baby.  If there is anyone out there that has had experience
like this and their fuzzies eventually got along, please let me know.  I
can have patience if I have some kind of hope that it might work out.
Also, I need to know if I should keep trying to introduce them or if I
should just leave their cages side by side and let nature take its course.
There was a book in PetSmart that was very expensive and I can't remember
who the author was, so I read it there, but he had a lot of experience
introducing ferrets and he said that the longest that he had seen it take
for them to get along was four months and that he had never experienced
any that never got along except if they were hobbs.  But I have heard
conflicting stories.  You know that song "Is there anybody out there".
BTW I remember reading somewhere, not sure if it was the FML, about the
correct mix of how much Pepcid AC to mix with water for the fuzzies and
also the dose to give them.  If anyone knows could you please let me know.
LOL Margarete (me) Tasi, Tika & Kari (the ferrets)
Mittens, Thomasina, Joey & Spooky (the cats)
Lancy (the dog) & Tweeters (the bird)
[Posted in FML issue 2568]