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Wed, 20 Jan 1999 17:52:35 EST
Jean Turanski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (101 lines)
To all FMLer's and Minta,
I just read your post in the FML and thought I would send you my experience
with a SEVERE reaction.
These reactions are just becoming so common that I wonder what the problem
could be.  I know there is no proof one way or another on the causes as
yet, but I can't help but wonder if we aren't 'over-vaccinating' our pets!?
Of course, only more research will determine the cause/s but these things
prompt me to think a lot!
On Sept. 4 I almost lost Lindsi to a SEVERE reaction to her Distemper shot.
Luckily, I was still at the vet's and had I not been, she surely would have
died in the time it would have taken me to return to the office.  Within 10
min.  she started vomiting and they rushed her off for treatment.  Keep in
mind that they gave her the pre-vac injection.  At ages 2 and 3 yrs. she
had a small, soft lump at the injection site and nothing more.  Strangely
enough, she had a reaction 2 yrs.  ago, 24 hours AFTER the shot (no
pre-vac.  treatment prior to these injections).  Last year she had no
reaction at all and had the pre-vac injection.  This time I never gave a
thought to a reaction.  But, boy, it just goes to show nothing is EVER
She immediately went into what they referred to as DIC which is the
collapse of the vascular system.  Therefore they could not find a vein for
an IV.  Everything they gave her was SQ.  And they gave her at least 9
injections!!!!  Poor little thing looked like a pin cushion!  The vet even
came in and told me it looked like she was dying.  She said they had NEVER
seen a reaction that bad!  She had hemorragic diarrhea and was passing
blood like a faucet, her ears and skin were red and swollen.  I thought I
was going to die myself!!!  But someone was smiling upon her 'cuz after
about 2 1/2 hrs., and the dedication of an excellent veterinary staff, she
started coming around.  As far as I am concerned, that little girl was dead
and came back to life!
She spent the nite at Mich. Veterinary Specialists, in Southfield, Mi .
under intensive care.  There was no further need for treatment, other than
observation, at the point.  I picked her up the next morning and I NEVER
felt so overwhelmed!
She has been doing very well, but I suspect I may be seeing a recurrence of
her adrenal condition now.
But one thing is for sure - I and all consulting vets involved have agreed -
NO more shots for her!!!!!  She is 6 1/2 years old now and I hope she
outlives me!!
My other baby, Jodi, also had her distemper shot and has never had any
reaction problems.  She is 5 = yrs.  old, has had adrenal surgery and IBD -
I believe this will be her last injection as well.  I took my boy Kodi in
for his vaccine a couple months later and he had a reaction too!
He is a rescue and approx. 3 yrs. old, healthy and very robust (but wasn't
when I got him)!  A veritable eating machine and definitely mama's boy!  In
(1997) he had his distemper vaccination and had no problems.  But last year
(1998) he immediately reacted within 15 min.  of the injection!  It wasn't
severe like Lindsi's but any reaction is bad enough and I firmly believe it
is a warning that should be heeded!
None of my babies are pet store ferrets.  They have all come from private
breeders, the girls were spayed at 6 mos., were not descented, Kodi was
neutered right after I got him, not descented, so, it happens to babies
from any source.
It's catch-22 situation but another shot for Lindsi is a sure death - NO
THANKS!!!  I never take my babies out anywhere, they have the full run of
my mobile home, and are quite content with the status quo.  Under these
conditions, I just don't think it is worth the risk of exposing any of them
to another incident.
I talked to the vet afterwards and asked what could have caused this
reaction.  There are several possibilities.  It could be one or a
combination of any or all factors:
1. The vaccine itself,
2. Her age,
3. The fact that she had her left adrenal removed, and it was cancerous.
   This surgery was done in May of 1997. Other than this surgery, she has
   been perfectly healthy all her life!!
Something to consider here:
a.  Maybe the remaining adrenal was unable to produce enough additional
antihistamine to boost the pre-vacc.  injection because it may be becoming
cancerous too, or it is simply unable to function to any beneficial
If this is the case, I would seriously think about vaccines being more
prone to cause a reaction or more severe reaction in these ferrets.  Add
the age factor and a previous history of reaction/s and perhaps the
possible consequences (like I experienced) of vaccinations at this point
should be seriously discussed with a vet.  I hope this info is helpful
enough to pass on to others so anyone who has babies like Lindsi won't have
to go through the nightmare that I did!
Yours truly,
Jean A. Turanski
Lindsi, Jodi and Kodi  - and Penni and Ashli who are at the
Rainbow Bridge :'(
[Posted in FML issue 2562]