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Sat, 2 Jan 1999 22:54:39 -0600
Margaret Merchant <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
In 1996, not too long after I had joined the fml, my household was hit with
ece.  It was still not widely spread across the U.S.  and not many vets in
Houston had dealt with it.  And although my vet there is a wonderful and
great vet, we were running into problems.
Out of my five ferrets at the time, Stanley was hit the hardest with ece.
After a month long battle with the disease, we had not yet managed to stop
the diarrhea and Stan was having extreme difficulty staying hydrated.  He
had gone from 1200 grams to 610 and had lost the will to live.
He laid in his hospital cage in whatever position I placed him. I was force
feeding him and giving him fluids every 2 hours round the clock.  The vet
had nothing more to give him.  I fully thought Stan would be leaving us in
a couple of days.
That same day Gary Holiwicki posted his recipe for Timmy, that he had used
to fight Timmy's cancer with.  Not knowing anything else to do, I made a
special trip to a good health food store and bought all the things that
Gary used.  I rushed home and mixed up all the goodies into the prescribed
baby food and force fed Stanley.
Literally, four hours later Stan was walking around the house (wobbly but
on his own) and pooped in my closet.  I cried and yelled for my then hubby,
because for the first time in well over a month Stanley had a normal
poopie.  I laughed at me crying for joy over poop.
Stan is still with me, with a thick and wonderful coat for the winter.
Every time I see him dance it is extra special to me, knowing that he
almost wasn't here to do it.
This is directly due to Gary's persistence in finding something for his own
little boy Timmy, and for being giving enough to share it with others.  If
not for Gary and Timmy, I would not be able to watch my Stanley today.
Gary, I am very saddened about Timmy leaving us.  But know that he is
thought of daily as I watch Stanley.  And I do still have Timmy's picture
on my computer, and still marvel at how much they look alike.  My love and
prayers to your crew, and to you.
Maggie Mae
[Posted in FML issue 2544]