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Wed, 30 Dec 1998 07:44:35 PST
meagan quinn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (63 lines)
Happy almost New Year everyone!!
The house has survived the Christmas tree thus far, but I think that is
only b/c Keera is a bit under the weather...she is usually full force this
time of year!
I think all my little guys are in the holiday spirit...and from the FML,
it sounds like your guys are too!  They are being sooooooo cute recently!
Fezzik is usually up and about when my housemate leaves for work-but has
recently taken to *charging* door to try and get out..so now i must wake up
and hold him so that he can wear himself out before i leave for work in the
AM.  Not a welcome wake up call, but it is too cute watching him try and
squirm out to scramble and slip on the floor trying getting to a locked
door.  It wouldn't be so funny if he didn't stand there for about a minute
(forever in ferret-time) just staring at the closed door trying to figure
out when everyone went.  I actually sneaked out of my bed this morning to
try and get a pic of him looking so confused, head cocked to the side...and
just staring...sometimes, i don't know what he is thinking!  Hagas has
taken to stealing everything and anyting.  Yesterday it was bananas from
the counter.  Except He fell off and was dangling once again by his teeth
that were latched onto the branch.  Feet scrambling, eyes bulging even if
he could, he wouldn't have let go!!  I was laughing so hard I couldn't even
get over to him at first- as soon as he got on the ground, he ran like heck
under the couch and stuck his head out..and waited there until the laughter
died down.  What a sight to find when you come out of your bedroom...a
dandling ferret-caught red-pawed making trouble.  The search under the
couch led me to find my pez deispenser (why he loves them i don't know), 2
hairbruches, cottonballs, an empty bag, 3 shoe insoles, his rubberducky he
pretends to hate at bathtime and a dried banana peel.  where that came
from, i am afraid to ask!!
Before I keep rambling, I should ask my questions.  I posted last week but
with the holidays and all, i think they got passed over a bit.
1. What is an alpha ferret?  Is it the dominant one?  Can females be alpha?
2. Does anyone elses ferret sniff them (face) then burrow into your hair
(mine is long) and dig and scratch like he's aiming for china???  It is
such a weird thing--but i don't know why!!
3. Keera had her neck shaved to have blood drawn.  But it isn't really
growing back yet--anyone know how long before she stops looking so sily?
4. In adrenal females, the nipples and vulva usually swell..but what is
the normal range for a vulva?  And do you normally see nipples on a healthy
spade female?  I don't remember seeing them before, but I only started
noticing them after Nico passed on-since much of my attention was on him, i
wonder if they were like that for a while and i just didn't know..any
Well, I should go move the garbage since i her hagas attempting to get in.
His nails on the plastic container is probably one of the most feared
noises in this house...when he gets to the garbage it means he has run out
of other things to do and has reverted to the garbage for hideyhole toys.
Have a Happy New Year!!
Meagan (ma)
Keera  (look mom, I am abig girl now just like you!)
Fezzik (Open Sesame...Mom! the door won't open for me like it does for
everyone else!!)
Hagas (anyone gonna scratch my heine for me? i'm too fat to reach it!!
[Posted in FML issue 2541]