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Fri, 18 Dec 1998 07:02:19 -0500
zauberin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (63 lines)
It's all Linda's fault that we have these two new babies.  That's my story
and I'm stickin' to it!!  8)
I just wanted to take a moment to thank some people I have only recently
met, but respect profoundly.
I have only known about the Raisin Retreat shelter (formerly North Coast
Ferret Shelter West) a few months.  I found the online web page and sent an
email about sponsoring a ferret, asking if I could come help clean cages or
play with the babies.  Linda Iroff, one of the operators, responded right
away.  She told that I didn't need to clean cages, she had a daughter for
that, but I could come play with them at any time.
She took time out to call me at home and swap Proud Mom stories.  She has
patiently answered countless questions I have about Insulinoma and Adrenal
disease that effects my Bailey.  She's given me tips, offered advice,
cracked me up with stories.  And then came the first visit!
We went out and promptly wanted every ferret in the place.  Phil fell flat
in love with an absolutely gorgeous male named Otto.  We played, we showed
pictures of our munchkins, we met her beautiful daughter Joy, and husband
Richard.  I was incredibly impressed with how organized the place was, how
efficient and extremely knowledgable Linda was/is.
When she asked us to babysit for her over the Thanksgiving holiday, I was
secretly proud that she trusted Phil and I enough to take care of her
shelter babies.  And knowing how in love we were, she gave us Otto as one
of them!  While Linda was gone, I was worried about one of the four,
Cadbury, the sweet little boy with the egg tumor on his head.  I shot off
an email to Linda and Laurie, and not 24 hours later got to talk to Laurie
Long, the other operator!  She gave me some tips for Cadbury and then
cracked me up with stories of how her German Shephard has to inspect every
ferret that comes in.
After Phil beat me down with "Can't we keep them?  Can't we?  Can we?
Huh, can we, can we?", we decided to adopt Maya, Shelby, Otto and Cadbury.
Laurie helped us out with a cage.  Phil went to get it and told me all
about her and the second half of the shelter for an hour!  About the dog
that wanted to eat his coat, the ferrets that were terrorizing the poor
cat, and about the huge, huge cinnamon ferret she has.  And so now, we have
2 of the 4 fosters, wanting to slowly get them all together.  (Maya is a
riot!!!!  She tears up, nips you and tears off, looking over her shoulder
and laughing!)
I haven't met Laurie or Jean, the much fabled/talked about Buckeye Lake
lady!, and want to desperately, but I already respect them immensely.
Through Linda, and through emails from Jean, I hear so much about all the
incredible time and love they put into their shelters.  The knowledge these
women have amazes me, and the limits they will run for to save/help/take
care of a ferret leaves me in awe.  All of this and having jobs, kids, and
My hat is off to you three!  If I could do/learn half of what you guys do,
I would consider it an accomplishment.  Thank you for all the times you
have helped me and all the consideration you've given.  But for the love of
God, don't ask me to babysit anymore!!  Phil is too weak!!!  *grin*
With love and respect,
Julie & Phil - Tassy, Boo, Bailey, Sturmie, Howie, Maya and Shelby.
[Posted in FML issue 2529]