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Mon, 14 Dec 1998 10:16:31 -0600
Millie Sanders <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Dear Pandora
Well, everyone around here just treats me like a kit.  They never had to
change MY diaper and they weren't exactly gentle with me as I was growing
up.  But soon I will be a "machoman".
I'd like to know someone who is tough enough to knock ole Easy Off "off"
her pedestal and I think you are just the spirited thing I'd like to get to
know.  Maybe you might have to wait for me a little while cause I am just
gonna be 6 mons old at Christmas (I already weigh 3.8 oz.) I was supposed
to be a cinnamon, my sister is, but Grandma just isn't sure.  I am built,
she says like a bulldog, I got the chins, I got the neck, I got the
shoulders, and I also got the broad beam.  My coat is woolly, thick, and
those stuck up teammates sure do look me up when its time to cuddle.
Howabout it, chickie, you wanna find out what a real ferret is all about,
then shrug off those suiters and just wait for this I-go-for-the
older-broads feller and I'll show you how to kick up them there paws.  We
will turn heads........chachacha
Ajax, via
Millie and her here-we-go-again-right-when-we-though-it-was-quiet noble
cleaning crew
Easy Off: the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  Hey Easy Off:  you know why the silver mitt climbed the chain
          link fence????  so she could see what was on the other side.
Cascade:  Gee, Dizzy, there's so much on FML, why don't we just rest on
          this cozy hammock and have a meaningful conversation.
Ajax:  One, Two, Three,,,,can't they make up their mind, sit ups or push
       ups to build muscle tone
Dizzy: There goes those stars in her eyes again and my peace of mind.
Joy: Someone went by and bumped my hammock again, inconsiderate so and so's.
[Posted in FML issue 2525]