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A query from [log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9412 11453 35 32_Yay MI! And note to [log in to unmask], 27 Dec 1994 14:58:44 PST663_- Item 1: YAAAY MICHIGAN!! Hopefully CA will be next; a recent issue of
the CDFA's "California Ferret Forum" informs us that the gentleman who
introduced the ferret legalization bill last year will be reintroducing
it this coming year.

holiday season to retailers mentioned on this list, for catalogs,
merchandise, etc. In all cases, I carefully said, "Please send anything
in a plain brown wrapper". It was both frightening and annoying to get
material from two of the four retailers with FERRET in huge letters all
over the package. [...]36_27Dec199414:58:[log in to unmask] 9412 11489 26 14_rainbow bridge12_Wendy [log in to unmask], 28 Dec 1994 08:40:42 -0500338_- Terry-Lee,

I assume the clipping you have is from Abby or Ann (I forget which). That letter
came from a friend of a member of canine-l. As far as we can tell, the piece
originated with a caniner in the misty past. It doesn't seem to have come from
anywhere else, and most of the printings can be traced back to us. [...]48_28Dec199408:40:[log in to unmask] 9412 11516 17 11_Bitter [log in to unmask]@GATE.NET31_Wed, 28 Dec 1994 10:58:07 -0500504_- Hi everyone, I've been reading the FML for about 2 weeks now and got a
new ferret on 12/22. When I got her I asked for bitter apple but they
told me at the pet shop that they only had bitter lime, and it would work
the same. My little rug rat has gone from nipping on my fingers while
playing to bitting hard, I've tried the No! deal, and I have tapped
her nose for her to stop but that did not work. I rubbed bitter lime on my
hands at started to play with her, with the bitter [...]35_28Dec199410:58:[log in to unmask] 9412 11534 37 16_ferret christmas19_Heather [log in to unmask], 28 Dec 1994 11:42:08 -0500572_- Hello all, I hope you all had a nice holiday.
Well, here is a little Christmas story:

There once were three little ferrets named Pickle, Kit Kat,
and Twinkie. Today was Christmas and their mommy had decided
that today was a special day. Well, mommy told daddy that
it was ok to leave the three little furries unsupervised to
play at will in their room. Well, a couple of hours later,
mom and dad came back into the room to rough house with the
furries. Now mom and dad were expecting a disaster but the
room was immaculate- no little [...]38_28Dec199411:42:[log in to unmask] 9412 11572 36 24_HAPPY NEW FERRET OWNERS!13_Kramer, [log in to unmask], 28 Dec 1994 12:09:00 EST354_- My fianc e and I became the proud new parents of a female kit 10 days ago,
and weIre glad thereIs an outlet like the FML where people can let babble
endlessly about our furry friends; talking en
Wed, 28 Dec 1994 06:41:05 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
Forwarded for [log in to unmask] --
Squeaker is now 5 months old. He is the joy of my life when my wife is
working nights. He keeps me so much company, and is my constant companion.
We literally do everything together.
Several weeks ago, when I returned from a business trip to Louisiana, my
wife said "you need to look at the ferret." When I walked in the door, I
could see all the way across the room his eyes were all milky. I asked her
how long they had been like that, and she replied it had only been a mater
of hours.
I contacted the vet immediately, and had an emergency visit! The vet did
bloodwork and it was determined everything was normal. My poor little friend
had developed "acute cataracts." I just returned from taking him to
Gaithersburg, MD and a visit with the referal vet (specialist). She said it
could have been caused by his diet. I told her exactly what I was feeding
him, nothing out of the ordinary, and we are at a loss to determine what was
the cause.
She said perhaps it was the "Wiskas" I had given him when he was younger.
She said that she has seen so few cases like this, but in the two she has
encountered, they both were drinking that milk substitute. So hey, don't
ever feed your baby that junk! I guarantee I never will again!!@#^%*
He can still see shadows, but his vision is very poor. I've known blind
ferrets to do quite well, but it is so sad for me. I love him so much!
[Posted in FML issue 1057]