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Thu, 25 Mar 1999 07:27:54 -0800
june batz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Well cute anyway...
For 2 weeks my SO has been gone..(returns tomorrow) If I did not have my
ferrets to make me laugh I would have spent most of the time pouting.
Some nights I let them stay out of their cage, I mean who else is gonna
give me kisses in the middle of the night and bite my toes?  It is
amazing how different my house looks in the morning from a night of their
prowling..toys everywhere, window blinds askew, tubes of petromalt and
ferretvite laying about, obviously not successful in getting them open.
This morning my rocking chair was about 4 feet away from its original
place..are 3 ferrets strong enough to move a rocking chair?
And I guess, since they figure they have freedom anything goes with regards
to where they poop..for pitys sake..they went on my fireplace hearth!!
So I get up at 6 am..I am sitting on my couch reading my e-mail..and I hear
this frantic digging I look into the kitchen (apparently in the middle of
the night they got their sandbox lid to move JUST ENOUGH for them to get
in and play, it was only open about an inch) ANYWAY, Socks was in the box
trying to get out, Chandler was on top of the box staring at her..his
weight was just enough that she couldnt push it to get up and out..I
finally had to go rescue her..because it was obvious he was not going to
let her out.
I HAD A HUGE SCARE YESTERDAY..ended happy though!
Every so often I do a ferret check, last night I did one before dinner...
squeeked the squeeker, socks came running..chandler..who is deaf..I have to
go and search..he nor joey were in their usual sleeping place..I searched
what I thought could be a good ferrret hiding place..My son earlier had
friends over who KEPT OPENING up my front door and going out and in...so I
thought they slipped by them..I ran outside to chandlers digging spot...
this property is built on riverbed..soft sandy type soil, along the walkway
were several holes..I STUPIDLY put my arm in one it went so far back I
could not reach..so I paniced...I got the kids to start searching the
property..I was willing to sit in front of that hole all night..long story
short..I was still in denial that my babies could have got outside..and had
to give the house one more search while the kids were outside looking..I
found them at the foot of my bed under the covers..I cried with relief.
One thing I had done in the last week was introduce myself to some of my
neighbors and show them my babies and told them where I live..  I got the
idea from the list..I really think it is a good Idea to make yourself and
your ferrets visible to your surrounding area..SO JUST IN CASE they get
I really SUGGEST everyone do this.
[Posted in FML issue 2627]