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Mon, 8 Mar 1999 06:36:25 EST
Pam VanOverloop <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
In response to Melissa's question about my vets use of Nizoral.....
The vet mentioned that the Nizoral was a fungal medication, but said that
he saw good results with it in adrenal situations.  I know it sounded
strange at the time, but I didn't question him too closely because:
1. He's an exotic pet specialist (I don't think he sees cats or dogs at
all) and has tons of experience with ferrets.  In fact he mentioned that
he had just been to a medical conference and got some new info on ferrets
and adrenals.
2. At the time I was standing there in tears because one of my "babies"
was sick, and the word "adrenal" sounded like doom.  I don't think I heard
half the words he said after that one!
3. He gave me a choice......surgery or "try" the medication.  I figured
it was worth a trial.  Surgery is always risky, I chose the less invasive
treatment.  Ok, so I've probably just postponed the inevitable.........
My true gut feeling though is that this medication may treat or even just
mask the symptoms.  If there was such an easy "cure", wouldn't there be
more people aware of it???  That's why I posted to the FML, hoping to hear
from anyone else with this experience.
[Posted in FML issue 2609]