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Print Reply
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 12:30:39 EST
Linda Pendleton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
I have a problem with one of my sable FurKids.  Buster has had a cough for
over a month now.  Vet did an X-ray that showed bronchitus deep in Buster's
chest so we started a 10 day dosage of Amoxy which had no effect, then we
changed to Clavamox for 10 days, again with no effect.  then we started on
Baytril last Wednesday which also has no effect.  He almost sounds like he
is barking when he coughs, I just pick him up and cuddle his chubby little
body until the coughing subsides, just breaks my heart.  Other than the
coughing he seems fine, eating drinking, poopies all normal, dooks and war
dances with the other 6 carpet sharks, he just can seem to shake this damn
cough.  Anybody else had this problem with any of their FurKids??  If so
what was done for it?  he has an appt again Thursday with the vet who
wants to take some blood and do another X-ray.  Any suggestions would be
appreciated.  Thanks and love and hugs to everybodies FurKids.
Linda and the 7 Carpet Terrorists and the Great Dane that thinks he's a
Giant Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2576]