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Mon, 28 Dec 1998 10:45:46 PST
Indigo Warrior <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
My name's Loki and I'm a MF ferret.  My buddy here, Balder, is also a
marshall farms ferret, but I'm going to type for him.  He's kind of old,
and I think he's developing carpal tunnel from dragging heavy things into
his hidey-hole.
I, too, am a pet shop ferret, and let me tell ya, I don't feel too bad
about it!!  Yeah, other people try to make me feel bad by looking down
their noses at me and my mf brethren, but at two years old, I haven't had a
single malady.  I don't think I ever will.  I'm as healthy as a horse--and
fifteen times as cute.  Besides, the little tattoo in my ear marks me as a
"cool" ferret, not a "bad" ferret as everyone wants me to believe.  My
momma loves me very very much, and she has learned all she can about ferret
care, some from me, and some from the fml.  She didn't know it was bad to
buy me, and I sure as heck didn't know...I was in a tiny cage with WOOD
CHIPS!!  Do you know how much those itch?  Yuck!!  So I am very, very glad
she bought me...my life would be pretty poor now if she, or another ferret
enthusiast, hadn't.
My buddy Balder here...say hi..."Hi"...is another story altogether.  He's
kinda older, even he doesn't know how old he is.  Go ahead, Balder, if you
think you can type...
Hi, I'm Balder...I'm new to this taping thing.  Frgive any misspellings.
I'm old.  Yeah, I don't know how old I am.  I'm MF, I know, from the tattoo
in my ear.  But my former owners just left me in a little cage, so the days
and years stretched on and on and on.  They fed me dog food.  They never,
never let me out of the cage, and they never named me.  I felt like a
gerbil.  I can't walk really well as a result, and my back is always
hunched really high.  The wire cage hurts my feet, so momma puts down lotsa
blankets and bedding, and hammocks, unlike my former owners!!  I wish I
could tell you more about my history, but even I don't remember, and momma
doesn't know!!
I get sick sometimes and vomit, but the vet doesn't really know what's
wrong.  She gives momma some...subcutaneous fluids?  That's what it says on
the bag, and momma has to shoot me with them.  OUCH!!  For some reason that
makes me all better!  I don't blame Marshall Farms for my illness though, I
blame those former owners.  They were really mean to me, and I hated
hoomans...but momma convinced me that most hoomans aren't really bad at
all.  And Loki is my best friend.  He even gets old me to play-fight with
him sometimes.  Sometimes I even get gutsy enough to attack the cat!!
So yeah, I'm a Marshall Farms.  I don't really know what that is, but if
it's part of who I am, then I'm proud.  Cause I think I've come a LONG way,
especially for such an old codger as me!
Thanks for letting us get that out!!  (Don't tell Momma we got on her
computer...she'll go Ballistic!!!!) Don't ever let anyone tell you you're
not good enough just because of the color of your fur or the tattoo in your
Loki and Balder
  ----      OUR continuing mission: to leave no drawer
(/.  .\)    uninvestigated, to seek out new linatone, new
__ "_  ___  treats, to boldly poop where no ferret has
-///-\\\--  pooped before!
[Posted in FML issue 2539]