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Wed, 9 Dec 1998 06:05:31 PST
Marie Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (16 lines)
LOL, when my Hubby and I went camping last summer we just had the 5 fuzzies
and we would walk them, one time I took all 5 by myself, that was so funny,
my hubby just laughed so hard at me and what the kids was doing, they had
me all wrap up so the others can explored the bushes.  Now I did try to
take all 6 for a walk by myself, I laughed so hard at the antics of these
kids, even cars were stopping and asking question about them, while I
standing there explaining what they are, how good pets they are, that they
even use the litter boxes and I had 2 of them climbing up my legs to they
could see who I was talking too.  They just love being outside.  I give my
kids showers, I get in and I take 1 at time, sometimes I have two, they
seems to like the shower better than the tub bath, I also give them baths
in the kitchen sink too.
Marie, Jim, Bandit, Tazz, Stover, Otis, Kodiak, Misty
[Posted in FML issue 2519]