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Fri, 20 Nov 1998 01:34:55 -0500
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I just read E.M.  Ennis's post on pattern v/s behavior as it pertains to
Dark sables.  I must say that I totally agree with every thing Erin said!
I thought it was just my own prejudices on the different patterns, but this
makes me think that there may be more to it.  It could also explain why
most of the ferret owners I have know seem to have a favorite color
I have been owned by 3 dark sables, 4 light sables, and 1 white mitt.  I
have a friend who presently owns 4 white mitts and one albino.  With the
exception of the couch button thing, Erin's observations seem totally
correct to me.  I might take this time to add some of my own observations.
Dark sables
My chocolaty dark sables all seem more easily scared of abrupt noises
than the others. They seem to be ALWAYS awake and into things. And is it
just me, or do the chocolaty dark sables have a denser body mass on
average? Not fat, just very thick and dense where the lighter sables are
more lithe and lean. Maybe it's just mine.
Light sables
My light (some say cinnamon) sables seem to rule the roost.  My light
sables are the first to associate words with objects and to learn their
names.  They don't seem as active as the others, but when they play with
their buddies, they always win the fight no matter who started it.  That's
not to say that they are bullies, they just seem to always come out on top.
I've heard other people talk of a tendency towards an alpha in a group of
ferrets.  My alphas have always been light sables.
White mitts
I have only owned one white mitt, so I don't consider myself an authority
on them.  But considering the white mitts I have known, they seem to be A
LOT more vocal when they are fighting (including play-fighting).  Not vocal
as in dooking, but more of a chattering crying sound.  Again, I haven't
done a lot of research on white mitts.
Please keep in mind that my "research" can't be considered scientific by
any means.  These are just my own observations.  Thanks for posting on the
subject Erin!
[Posted in FML issue 2498]