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Thu, 8 Apr 1999 16:59:22 PDT
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For those who are battling ECE, please hang in there.  I too just went thru
ECE.  Here is my story:
I had 3 ferrets, two at age 6 years old and one that is 1 years old, 2
weeks before Christmas my boyfriend bought me a 7 week old ferret for my
Christmas present.  Little did we know that this was the start of a major
problem.  We put the new baby ferret "Cujo" in a separate room to for a few
days to make sure he did not have ECE.  He looked health and his stool was
perfect.  Then we introduced him to the members of our family and 2 days
later my other three ferret started vomiting, green stool and very week.  I
did not wait, the next morning I brought all three and the new baby "Cujo"
to the vet.  As I excepted, ECE!!!  My vet keep all of them for 4 days and
was treating them.  All came back feeling better and not to mention a $400
vet bill.  Well, three days after the first vet, again they all became ill
again, back to the vet again and another $100 vet bill.  They came back
the second time feeling better except for one of my 6 year old was still
feeling bad (she had both adernal glands & spleen removed)so she is not
health from the start.  Anyway, she stop eating and drinking on her own so
we had to force feed her.  We went thru 3 months with force feeding her and
treating her for ECE.  She went thru several treatments for ECE and nothing
would help her.
We really thought we was going to lose our sweet girl "Sabrina".  Keep in
mind she is on flornif for the rest of her life because of her two adenal
glands are gone.  Well this what we had try to treat her with:
1st treatment was 1 week interferon shots for 1 week
2nd treatment was 2 weeks of prilosec and amox
3rd treatment was 2 weeks of prilosec and baixin
4th treatment was 1 week of prilosec and prelone
The 4th treatment was suggested by Dr. Bruce Williams to my vet.  BINGO!!!
the prilosec and prelone worked, after the 1 week of treatment Sabrina was
eating and drinking again!!
she now has been eating on her own for 3 weeks, thank god because the force
feeding was very, very exhausting.  She is back to chasing my feed and
nipping my toes and war dancing around.  I am so glad to have my little
babies back to normal.  Like Mike Janke (hope I spelled your last name
right) said there is a lot of information on ECE on the internet, and
please keep in mind if your ferret does not eat, you will need to make
them eat (sometimes force feeding is very necessary) if they don't eat or
drink they WILL DIE!!!
My vet was somewhat knowledgeable to ECE, but my vet also learn a lot from
me on what I gather from the internet and Dr. Bruce Williams.  If you need
advise, I will be happy to help.  You can write to my e-mail address
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God Bless you and your babies.
Mommy Brenda and the carpet sharks
Sabrina "look I am well again, I don't any more yucky medicine"
Mai-Tazz "why don't you let me dig the carpet up, mommy"
Casper "hold me Cujo won't leave me alone"
Cujo "mommy just because i almost tore your nose off, did have to name me
[Posted in FML issue 2641]