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"Michael Schieman, Mee Maw and ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 10:54:09 EDT
text/plain (41 lines)
Greetings and Salutations!  (That's just a fancy way of saying, "Howdy!")
Well, my recovery at home certainly has been interesting.  That old MRSA
Staph bacteria came for another visit and infected my gizzard and a few
other parts of my innards.  Mee Maw had to give me twice daily infusions of
antibiotics via IV, and the Visiting Nurses came twice a week to practice
their needlework on my veins and arteries.  Like my Poppa used to say, "I
hadn't had so much fun since the hogs ate my baby brother!"
While all this was going on, the doctor decided to do a CAT scan of my
belly to see what all was going on in there.  Well, he found two infected
cysts and proceeded to stick two drainage tubes right smack into my poor
old belly.  That was more fun than I can ever possibly describe with mere
words!  One of them quit draining last week and he yanked it out - more
indescribable fun.  He said that if the other one doesn't quit draining in
the next two weeks he'll have to turn me over to the surgeons.  I'm not too
worried about that though - I know where Mee Maw keeps her clothespins!
All in all, I'm doing a lot better than the last time I wrote.  I really
want to thank all the nice folks who have called, sent cards and nice
e-mails.  They mean a whole lot to this Old Fert.  Thanks for all the
prayers and kind thoughts.  One of these days, I hope to be able to respond
to each of you personally.  My eyes are still giving me some problems so
I'll have to limit my letter writing to an occasional update on the FML
for now.
Tater and Odie are doing great in their new Wisconsin home.  Tater has even
decided that snow can be fun if he really puts his mind to it.  The Guys
and Lyra have taken over managing the Joy to the World Webring and send a
special welcome to all the new members.
That's it for now.  Many much loves and joys to all the good folks and
ferrets on the FML
Joy to the World!
Paw Paw
[Posted in FML issue 2638]