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Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:51:33 -0500
text/plain (63 lines)
Just a note to help those of you not used to "excitement" propaganda.
The problems that were noted with Febreze and animals were actually rather
lacking in complete facts.  In fact, had the full details been posted, most
of the problems "reported" would have resulted in prosecution of those
making the reports.  Here are some of the "facts" that were left out:
1. A married couple reported to Febreze that their entire population (4
dogs) of pets had died after sleeping on bedding sprayed with Febreze.  It
turns out that they had not "sprayed" Febreze on the bedding, they *poured*
the Febreze on the bedding, soaking it with the liquid.  They then
*sprayed* the dogs, who were apparently smelling quite bad.  The bedding
had not been allowed to properly air out, or even dry, before the dogs were
allowed to sleep on them.  I'm sure you can figure out the results of this
story on your own.
2. An older woman from Idaho reported to Febreze officials that her cat
seems to have suffered a violent reaction to the spray.  It turns out that
the can had been ill and the resulting smells from the medication, as well
as something from the illness was causing the cat to have a rather
disagreeable order.  The woman was spraying the cat directly with Febreze
to reduce the smell, because she felt that the cat was too ill to bathe.
The cat would then like the still-wet product off of it's body.
3. A man bathed his bulldog in Febreze.  Deadly results.
4. Two men in Philadelphia reported that spraying their parrot's cage with
Febreze (without removing the bird first) resulted in the parrot's death.
5. A man reported that his aquarium full of mice had died, after his wife
was supposed to have sprayed some afghan covers nearby.  It turns out that
the wife had also sprayed the interior of the aquarium (including the mice)
as well, as she felt that the mice were a bit smelly.
There are a number of other reports similar to these.  Every one of them
that I've read (these have all been edited to remove any identifiable
references to the people involved.  I've been given permission to post
these "scrubbed" versions to this list.) were somewhat similar.  People
basically didn't use common sense when using this product.  Two officials
at the company that makes Febreze told me (on condition of anonymity) that
the product was tested extensively before release to the general public.
When used properly, according to the directions clearly printed on the
package, Febreze is perfectly safe.  However, nothing on this planet is
fool-proof, to the sufficiently-talented fool.  Somewhere, *someone* is
going to abuse something, then leave out the pertinent facts when making a
complaint.  Please keep this in mind, before believing all you hear about
a product.
I have nothing to do with this company.  I have not been paid anything by
them.  I was simply sent the same notice that was posted here on the FML
and decided to follow up on it.  Using certain resources that are not
normally avialable to the general public, I was able to obtain printed
copies of the reports included here.  With cooperation of the people
involved, I was told that the version that I've presented here were generic
enough to protect those involved and could be posted.
Todd and the (Ain't the Internet wonderful? :)) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 2628]