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Debbie Linko <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 23:14:30 -0500
text/plain (42 lines)
I don't post often, just read.  But my heart is breaking and only you will
understand.  I currently have 6 ferrets, 2 baby siamese kittens, and 2 dogs
which are my life especially since I am very ill.  Alyson, my only female
ferret, only has a few days to live according to my vet.  He doesn't feel
she is suffering and she doesn't appear to be.  She had a tumor removed
from her head which was superficial and benign and had appeared to be doing
excellent.  Over the last 3 days when we get the ferrets out from their
cages, she immediately goes back to sleep as soon as she eats her treats
and takes her vitamins, for the most part I'd say about 5 minutes.  She
only vomited once with no other symptoms.  The doctor took x-rays or
sonagram, I'm not really sure, but she has a very large mass on her
abdomen, kidneys and liver.  He can feel it.  At first he was going to
operate, then I went to see her before he sedated her and he changed his
mind.  He said he went to sleep and woke up thinking about her.  He said
his surgery would not extend her life, only prove what he knew in his heart
was true, she would not survive.  So she is home and she most likely will
only live a few days, but she will be with her family.  When I brought her
home, she had to make sure everything was in place and still the same as
when she left.  You know how they are.  She is only 3 years old.
I lost my albino ferret on May 27th, the day after I was hospitalized.  He
had a malignant adrenal tumor and was almost 5 years old.  Then I lost my
13 year old Siamese, Beefer on July 5th from renal failure.  Then on
October 2nd I lost Molachi, Beefer's mom from renal failure.  My heart is
just breaking.  I don't know how to even begin dealing with losing another
baby.  I know I don't have a choice.  I know when I cross thru rainbow
bridge, I'll have a large parade and it will have all been worth the pain,
but it doesn't help the pain I am feeling now.
Please just pray that Alyson goes peacefully in her sleep and does not
suffer.  Thanks for listening to me rambling on......
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[Posted in FML issue 2614]