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Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:23:54 -0400
Toni Callison <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
I am writing because I have a three year male old ferret, Pepe, who just
recently started biting my other two ferrets (Sadi-3 years & Little Bubba-2
years).All of my ferrets were fixed and descented when I purchased them.
Sadi is only a few months younger than Pepe and they have been together for
3 years.  Bubba is a year younger then Pepe and Sadi, but he has been with
them since he was a baby.  Pepe has never bit my other ferrets, other than
when playing.  Recently, I have witnessed Pepe biting the other ferrets'
necks and ears and holding them down.  He usually does this to my female,
Sadi.  When I try to separate them Pepe bites down on Sadi and refuses to
let go.  Has anyone had a ferret after this many years begin to be mean to
their other ferrets.  I am concerned because Sadi and Bubba cry out when he
is doing this and I am afraid that he is going to hurt them.  Also, I keep
them in a 4 ft.  cage when I am gone and when I go to bed (They are out
when I am home and have plenty of play and running time).  I have been told
by a vet that I will probably have to put Pepe in a separate cage.
Ideally, I would like to keep them together and not separate them, but at
the same time I do not want my other two ferrets to get hurt.  Any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  My email is
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Thanks for your help.
Pepe  "Mom thinks I am being mean :( "
Sadi  "Please help my momma know what to do to keep my brother from
       biting me."
Bubba "My mom needs some advice"
[Posted in FML issue 2646]