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Fri, 19 Mar 1999 22:54:50 +1300
text/plain (31 lines)
Hey guys!!
You done fightin' yet?  Huh??  Cause I miss you guys!
I seen anot'er Skeeter come in.  Hi ot'er Skeeter!!  Act'ally de ot'er
Skeeter is helpin' me mak' up a page for all dese fwiends of mine up here,
cause I'm too busy pwayin' to make pages!  I jus' wanna pway and steal
CheWeasels!!  So, de ot'er Skeeters mom is a vewy busy wady, bu' she did
pwomise to put it toget'er as soon as she can.  She said dat she needs
pictures of ALL my fuzzy fwiends up here, bu' I don' know how to do dat,
so if you guys wan' your fwiends up here on dat page, pwease send to de
ot'er Skeeters' mom, Sam, at [log in to unmask]
Now... t'ankyou guys for all your help, I been pwayin' up here an' wowwied
dat you guys wouldn' want me here no more!  Bu' all you guys hav' been
weally nice!  Missy I wuv you and hav' miss'd you too!!
I's go' a pwace for fuzzies and der mommies and daddies to send dere
wetters to now!  No pictures t'ough pwease cause de ot'er Skeeters mom is
gonna wook after dem pictures for me an' send 'em on to dat page t'ingie.
Ooh! -->sniff sniff<-- I smell CheWeasel! I gotta go!!
Buh Bye!!
[Moderator's note: There are so many Skeeters posting now I think even
I'm losing track!  I hope the "original" Skeeter is among these.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2621]