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Tue, 16 Mar 1999 15:55:23 -0500
The Knight of Cups <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
I believe that the tube / sleepsack gadget you're refering to is made by
the superpet company, under the brand name of fun-nels.
They have two products that they market under this name, of very different
quality.  The 'bubble-wave' product is well made, stays together well, and
is easy to disasemble when you need to.  They make some pretty spiffy cages
that have the tunnels extending actually outside of the cage proper, and my
gib, Ebisneezer, thinks his is pretty darn cool.
The down side of the fun-nels is that they're pretty expensive.  The ad
photo you always see shows easily three hundred dollars worth of tubes.
And, to be crushingly honest, the Sneeze doesn't seem to be any fonder of
them then of his carpet-tube.
In fact, the only advantage I've found with the fun-nels is that they're
transparent, so I can watch him running around inside.  Other than that,
you can do anything with a roll of duct tape, a hack saw, and some carpet
tubes, that you could do with the fun-nels... and it would be loads
Apropos PetCo... I live in NYC, where ferrets are against the Health Code,
so the local PetCo doesn't sell them.  However, they /do/ sell ferret
products, and they were /very/ helpful in locating a vet who would see the
sneeze, in spite of the local regulations.  So... they're not all bad.
Which brings us to a question...
I see all kinds of stuff about the efforts of folks to get California to
be more reasonable about our furred friends, but have yet to hear of any
organization in NYC working on the project.  Does anyone have a contact?
Thanks in advance.
Timing has a lot to do with the success of a rain dance.
    --Baxter Black
 Regan S. Pylman                               [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2617]