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Wed, 10 Mar 1999 18:11:00 EST
text/plain (43 lines)
It started off so typically - It seems that this person wanted to drop off
two ferrets at the shelter, one old, one sick.  Wife was a new mother - no
time for the ferrets.  He comes in the house with an almost bald DEW - but
there is only one ferret in the cage - or is there?  No, says the man - the
other one is real bad sick and curled up.
I take the ferret out of the cage and I am shocked and disgusted - a male
ferret, 2-3 years old, emaciated.  Weighs maybe 3/4 pound.  Whats wrong?
Oh he had a cold and stopped eating.  How long has it been since he ate?
Oh about a week.  A WEEK!
He is posturing, fixed and cool.  His gums are soooo pale.  I manage to get
some karo down him and I rush him to a friends' who is a vet tech (Thanks,
Carole).  All the vets are closed, except for the emergency vet.  Before I
leave, He is on a heating pad and I got 25cc of fluid under the skin.  Its
absorbed in no time.I knew he was probably dying, but I had to try.
At Carole's, we continue the fluids and try to feed him - he is so weak.
His body is absorbing the fluids as fast as they are injected.  His seizure
seems to be calming down, and we can get his head in a somewhat normal
position.  But then his breathing becomes labored and slow.  Then it stops.
Chest massages, to no avail.  This poor little ferret starved to death, in
our arms - strangers.  And my only thought is Why?  This was a needless
death - all he needed was feedings.  I am so angry right now at his
"owners" - the one is desperately in need of surgery and I couldn't help
this poor little guy.
Well, at least someone cried at his passing.....we didn't even know his
There is a footnote to this.  His name was Griz.  Her name is Suzy - and
she is 7-8 years old.  No shot history on either ferret.  Thank you again,
Carole, of McCraig's Menagerie.  We had to try and you did your best.
Lisa, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
URL: http://www.kozykingdom.com/ferrethaven
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[Posted in FML issue 2611]