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Thu, 4 Mar 1999 11:39:30 -0800
William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (63 lines)
>From:    Deb Yeingst <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: kissimee show
I would have liked to completely stay out of this issue but problems from
that show can spill over to affect others.  There are issues that should
be  addressed.
>I have been reading the fml, and to know suprise of mine, there were
>babies whinning about the show.
That isn't exactly a professional way to address a perceived problem.
There is a problem in all ferret shows about judge's ferrets and
favoritism.  This is actually one of the more serious issues with ferret
shows as a whole.  That approach will definitely prevent some people from
deciding to be attend shows.
>It just worked out that her ferrets happened to win.  I`m sorry I seam so
>upset, but LIFE judges judge ferrets, not for there owners, but for the
This is hardly the first time this issue has been brought up about LIFE/LOS
judges.  The same issue is raised about AFA shows and GLFA shows.  The
independant, NAFA, FURO, and IFA shows in the past have also had this issue
brought up.  I am a licensed AFA judge and have heard complaints about
judges at shows I've judged at.  I even had such a claim made about me -
but ironically the person with the allegation won the blue ribbon so that
seemed very odd to me.  I usually get compliments on my fairness.  My
approach of openly talking to exhibitors about anything at almost anytime
helps.  I will tell people what it is about their ferret that affected the
score.  AFA rules prohibit detailed discussions with people about ferrets
belonging to others so I have to be careful on direct comparisons.
Some organizations take the approach that the ferrets of judges and other
club officers don't go head to head with the ferrets of others.  This has a
different perceived problem of elitism and a fairness in numbers of ferrets
shown and chances of getting a trophy.  Other groups allow the ferrets
belonging to judges to be shown but not judged by that judge.  Ferrets
belonging to family and friends are not addressed.
There isn't an easy answer.  I've seen judges with all systems that I'm
not convinced were as impartial as they claimed.
>I did judge at that show, and I judge the way I see them.  I don`t care if
>I am best friends with you or not.....I do the best I can.
Doing the best you can is all that can be expected.  BUT rather than lash
out ferret judges should try to see why there was a perception of a problem
and try to address how to fix that perceived problem.  Even if the judging
was fair, if it seemed unfair to other exhibitors than it is a problem.
This is an issue in much discussion through the ranks of the AFA.  It is an
issue with in the GLFA.  It affects the business relationships between the
AFA and the GLFA.  I know I have discussed it with AFA and GLFA folk.  If
it wasn't a big issue then it wouldn't be so discussed by so many people.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2605]