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Wed, 3 Mar 1999 06:30:05 -0500
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Ok, I was very confused by this post from two days ago.
>From:    Sheila Crompton <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Sheila replies to Zen
Your comments about breeders make them sound like terrible monsters.  I
know a few breeders personally, and I have read posts and visited web-sites
of others from the lists, and I am glad to say that I personally have never
known someone who 'put down' their ferrets for not being perfect (too big
or too small).  I also haven't seen anyone who 'off-loaded' their ferrets
because they weren't show standard quality.  What I do see is that ferrets
who are passing on traits that aren't good for the animals are retired and
placed in good loving homes.  I have been lucky enough to be gifted with
one of those little girls, a jill whose mother showed cataracts in all of
her line.  She and all of her offspring were retired, and my friend took
good care to find them all good loving homes.  She keeps up with the owners
and loves to see Chumba, our blind girl, at meetings.  But I agree with
Bill Killian, that breeding for desirable traits is much better than just
blindly breeding any ferret.  Luckily, our shows call for traits that make
for healthy and gentle animals, so that works out fine.  And every show
I've heard of has a category for handicapped ferrets as well, and classes
for alter, and shelter/rescue ferrets.  The shows also give the shelters a
chance to place their animals with true ferret lovers, and sell products to
help support their shelters.  I just don't see it as being the evil process
you seem to.  I've heard about how cat and dog showing has hurt the breeds,
breeding for traits even though they are unhealthy, but I've not seen it in
ferrets, and personally would do all I could to stop it from happening if
it when that way.  I know alot of my fuzzy loving friends would do the same.
[Posted in FML issue 2604]