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Fri, 26 Feb 1999 17:40:19 +1300
text/plain (41 lines)
Okay, I just got back from the vet visit about my little gals leg... I put
her on the examination table, and the vet said "and you're here for??" LOL
I mentioned it had been a week since he'd seen this little gal, and he
said "OH!  The leg!" hehehe  All the while, the kit happily explored the
examination table.  The vet commented on how well she'd done in the space
of a week, felt her leg and was obviously well pleased.
He did say that her leg would always be slightly shorter than normal now,
and she'd always have a slight limp, but said she should be just fine :o)
So... I'm happy, she's a bit happier (not given full rein yet, but in a
hospital cage now instead of a carrier!)
On another note, I also had the kits final vaccinations today.  It's
amazing how well they'll take vaccinations with a bribe in front of their
noses!  My adults were also due for theirs, so they had vaccinations as
well.  On the drive back home, one of my adult girls (Vader) managed to
'slip the coop' and get out of the carrier <sigh> (the problems with having
a small Houdini in the family) So, I held her on my lap with an oil treat,
which she lapped up with more than evident delight, licking the air and her
nose for several seconds following her treat so she'd get the last drops!
We almost got to home when she started backing up... I'd hoped she could
make it the last few feet but.... needless to say, my clothing is already
in the wash LOL
Okay, I have to grab a belated lunch (well, it's almost time for dinner,
but hey...) and then prepare to take some (also belated) photos of the kits
twelve week old birthday <G> No photos tonight I'm afraid, I'll have to
hurry through them tonight, get them developed tomorrow morning, and try to
finish before tomorrow afternoon.  If I don't make it, sorry guys, I'm off
with Bancho (the kits Dad) to a Ferret Frolic, which'll take me away for a
couple of days.
Hugs to the furkids,
To see some awesome ferret cards, drop in on
[Posted in FML issue 2598]