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Tue, 16 Feb 1999 09:26:08 -0500
gregory cassarella <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Hi Shelly Knudsen and FML-ers:) Just wanted to put in my .02 cents worth on
the giardia meds subject.
My seven ferts and two dogs had giardia late Nov 98.  The ferts were put on
FLAGYL for 12 days --1x per day.  I am a clean-freak to begin with but this
was a new level even for me.  (hehehe) Not only do you have to give meds
BUT you have to wipe and clean everything daily!!!  The article in Modern
Ferret #10 is a good one to read.
Well, 12 days later I visited my vets office with a paper plate platter of
ferret poop:)  It looked like pie slices (hehehe) with lines drawn and names
Bad news, they still had it!!!!!!  So the vet changed meds and put them on
PANACUR SUSP.  2 x's per day for 10 days.  He changed the meds for two
reasons......(1) b/c flagyl can be tough on their little tummies and (2)
there is a second option other than flagyl to help get rid of giardia.
Finally after lots and lots of cleaning, washing bedding, giving meds
and $$$ the giardia was gone!  YIPEE......:)
Hope that helps your little babies and vets.
Plashette and my wild seven
[Posted in FML issue 2589]