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Sat, 13 Feb 1999 13:22:23 -0600
Anthony & Elizabeth <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hello to all you fuzzie lovers!  I hope all the fuzzheads are doing well!
Since there has been recent talk about problems with Petco, I just had to
put my two cents in.  My boyfriend works at the Petco here in Germantown,
TN.  I asked him about freezing animals and he said that there was no way
that was happening.  He told me that they have a vet they take their
animals to.  Also, when someone decides they want to see an animal, an
employee MUST be present the entire time.  I personally cannot vouch for
all Petcos, but the ones around here don't do the things that have been
described.  Granted, big chain pet stores aren't always the best place to
get pets (both he and I agree), but they aren't all horrific places.  I
think it depends on the manager and staff as to whether or not the place is
acceptable.  As someone stated before, don't go blaming the whole system
for one person's shortcomings.  Also, don't get PETA involved!  They
usually make the problem worse by their radical, often uneducated stance on
things (no flames please, I'm entitled to my opinion).  If you don't agree
with the way a pet store treats their animals, DON'T SHOP THERE, and try
to get a local boycott through friends and other animal lovers instead of
taking things to extremes.
Elizabeth Randles
and the Memphis Menagerie:
Gaby and Bowie, fuzzheads extraordinaire
Quigley, Leo, and Greta (the new baby), canine treatmongers
Xena and Fiona, feline femme fatales
Valentino, Archie, Yoshi, Frankie, and 70+ other fishy friends
[Posted in FML issue 2586]