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Sat, 13 Feb 1999 13:13:32 PST
Heather Collins <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
Hi everyone!  I wanted to let everyone know how appreciative I am of
the help I have been given by you people here on the FML.  It's great
to know you all are out there!  Please give all your fuzzies hugs and
kisses from me.
I am, unfortunetly, without the comfort of ferrets.  I moved here to
Seattle not to long ago, and had my ferrets being babysat.  Unfortunelty,
for some reason neither I nore the babysitter could fathom, we could not
get ahold of each other for a few months.  I finally got ahold of the
babysitter and it turns out my precious babies had been re-adopted out
thinking I had abandoned them.  *sniff* I cried and cried and cried because
these were my BABIES.  ya know?  Anyways, it was an extremely horrible
thing that happened.  I had no way of just showing up at the babysitters
because they lived all the way across the state and my car was inopperable,
it would never have made it over.  I had made arrangements for ferret
transport to me.  *sniff*.  Well, I can't change what happened but am
eagerly looking for babies to come and fill my home again (no, not
neccessarliy kits....i love my fuzzies...they are my babies!!)
Anyways, what I am wondering, is I know of a few shelters in washington
and was wondering if the eastern washington shelters on this list could
email me about where they are located, how to get there, and when are the
shelters open that we could stop by.  Is stopping by a bad option or should
we make appointments?  Except Ed Lipinski.  hehehe.  Thank you for your
directions!!  We are looking at shelters to find a shelter that will accept
us as parents so that when we get the money together to purchase a ferret
we just go and pick a sweet baby out!  We are all ready, just have too many
extra bills this month to do it this month.  Again, thanks everyone for the
help on shelter updates, patterns, and needs.
OH!  One more question!!  (I promise, only one) I have decided to start
making tons of mop dolls to sell at Craft fairs so that the proceeds can
be donated to the shelters.  Does anyone on this list know what, when and
where some craft shows will be in the Washington/Oregon area starting in
OH OH!! lol  When I lived in Spokane my husband and I would would frequent
Petco just about several times a week.  Every Petco we went into was
exceptionally clean and VERY knowledgable about ferrets.  Ferret Rescue Of
Spokane was very involved with Petco for ferret days where Tracey Kilmer
would go to the Petco's and educate the employees and the public about
ferrets, the rescue and anything else.  (this was before ferrets were sold
there) Then the ferrets actually came to these stores and the managers made
sure everyone knew what they were doing.  They were in great health, had
perfect clean litter, lots of FERRET food and lots of toys and tubes to
play in.  And it seemed that as we wandered the store we would head back to
the ferrets and see an employee actually cleaning up the poop.  It was
great.  They even had the corner litter boxes.  My husband and I were very
impressed and let the managers know at each store we went to.  I have had
nothing but positive experiences with Petco and know that maybe the petco's
that have problems start with either the managers or the suppliers.  Not
too sure.  But just wanted everyone to know that not ALL Petco's are
hazzards.  Plus, the ferrets they sold were at LEAST 8-12 weeks old, they
had papers stating when they were born and a sign up stating when they were
Mommy wanna be!!
[Posted in FML issue 2586]