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Tue, 9 Feb 1999 15:49:12 +1300
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Just thought I'd make a comment on how the kits are going :o)
They're brats. All of them.
The little boy (currently dubbed 'Charlie' although his new owner is still
to confirm his new name!) is turning out to be somewhat of a laid-back soul
who loves toes!!  I'm still trying to find transportation for the little
guy - I've found some volunteers from Manhattan KS through to Chicago...
but no-one has yet volunteered for Reno through to Manhattan.  If there
is anyone who can help (second week of March is the planned time for this)
please email me, and I'll try to organise things.  If he cannot find a
ride, he cannot go to his new home!!  I have some very anxious ferret
parents-to-be who are on tenterhooks until this transportation can be
The girls especially love to mob me when I go into the cage!  All I have to
do is walk in and suddenly there are a million tiny teeth at my toes!  LOL
My normal method of training kits not to chew my toes is simply to stand
still and they eventually lose interest.  Unfortunately, these guys are a
little more tenacious than that!  They're now nine and a half weeks of age,
and still chewing intently on my feet!  Argh!!  Heaven forbid I walk in
there in socks, I won't have any feet left!!
My darkest little gal (Meg, are you going to name her any time soon?!)
loves snoozing in tunnels.  In fact, she started a trend... All the kits
now sleep together in the tubing leading to the upper level of the main
cage <sigh> Oh well, at least I know where they are, and I only need to
walk into the cage for them to come zipping out!  LOL
One little gal (who is now going to AZ with one of her sisters) is a real
'queen' - royalty doesn't even compare to her (ego) hehehe She's definitely
a bossy brat and I (almost) pity the poor guy taking the two of them in
<snigger> Uh oh he reads the FML - let's hope he doesn't reconsider ;o)
The little girl that is going with her is a little more shy ;o)  Hopefully
they'll be a good combination!
One little girl with a lighter head and darker mask (who's my favourite -
shhhh) is a little acrobat.  For the moment, she's being called Sheila...
although Pongo may be appropriate!!  (Pongo is a character from the
"Footrot Flats" comic strip in NZ - she's a tomboy who always gets into
trouble!!  Sheila is a rather 'well endowed' and a definite 'blonde' from
the same comic strip) She loves to 'fly' <G> Maybe she believes she's a
bird?!  She'll possibly like the flight over to her new home, a real chance
to fly!!
The other little gal is more of a 'follower' - she'll follow the others
around, nibbling on toes, chomping on toys, and dive-bombing the adults
(all my ferrets are in together now that the kits are fully weaned) She's
happy to join in and doesn't like missing out on the 'fun'!!
All are little brats, rascals, and royal pains in the... <G> Well...
they're baby ferrets, what else do you expect?!  I've been lamenting the
price rise of Iams <sigh>  They're going through a 15lb bag of Iams a week,
which now costs me about $42.50 a bag (US Dollars, so people aren't more
alarmed by the NZD price!!)  I've been trying to get Totally Ferret, but it
just isn't available this far North.  (Have to find a way down to Auckland
and get some from a store down there!!) At least it's in the country!  <G>
They aren't chewing on my hands as much as they were, which is a good
sign :o)  Hopefully it's a 'learning what humans can handle' thing, and
not a temporary 'let's not chew mama, but chew on everyone else' thing!!
Oh well, I'd best get going, all this extra food has put me in my vets
'bad books' :o0 - so I'm working to bring more in to feed them! <G>
Ahhh the joys ;o)
Hugs to the furkids,
To see some awesome ferret cards, drop in on
[Posted in FML issue 2581]