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Tue, 2 Feb 1999 18:53:40 -0500
Georgette Peters <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
Howdy there everyone!  I hope that y'all and yer fuzzy ones are doing just
peachy-keen!  Our condolences to everyone who has lost a loved one
recently; we know how hard it can be.
Well, I had posted to the FML about a week ago about Gushi doing odd things.
To make a long story short, he woke me up a few times at gosh-awful hours
with weird sounds.  It turned out he was chewing on the shelf that runs
along the back of the cage??!  When I checked on him, he seemed pretty
coherent (didn't appear to be having one of his episodes - no drool,
twitching, dazed look) but he then went back to chewing.  On a whim, I
offered him some food from his bowl and he started to scarf it down.  I had
fed him some duck soup before going to bed around 12:30am, so the first
thing to run through my mind was "Oh geez, the old fart is going senile and
can't remember where the food bowl is!!!" After he finished his second
handful, I put some in the hammock with him and went back to bed - it was
3:45am afterall!  He was fine and perky the next morning but it happened
again that day and then on the Sunday.  Thursday (first occurance was
Wednesday), we attached a small container at hammock height and filled it
with food.  Both he and Geisha have been happily stuffing their faces since
then.  I had also cleaned the other bowl - which had been in the same spot
in the same cage for over four years - and threw out the food just in case
it was stale or something else that was making the Old Man act odd.  We're
now happy to report that he has stopped waking me up - the 24th was the
last time - and he's seems to have abit more energy!  Should have done this
long ago, I guess, but hind sight is 20-20.
A snow story - Geisha, Jasper and I went out on Saturday night to rent a
video.  On the way back, we cut through this area near our place that has a
small 'park' (more like a sitting area with a swingset).  Geisha was being
really squirmy, so Jasper went to put her down.  I started to tell him
about the one time I took the foursome out for a romp in the snow.  Nice
warm day, not too much wind and ALOT of really dirty looks and scrambling
to crawl up my legs, etc.  Of course, this is the time that Geisha decides
to make me look like a complete liar.  No war-dancing, but she happily
trundled here and there, sniffing this and that with her fur puffed out to
here, having a nice old time.  Sigh!  Jasper just kept making comments
about "obviously she hated this soooooo much!' Little brat!
Well, this week we're going to start with some experimental, supervised
cage time with Gushi, Geisha and Frodo all in the same cage.  We've been
catching them sleeping together outside of the cage more often so we're now
crossing our fingers.  I've let Frodo investigate the big cage a few times,
but we'll see what happens.  I definitely don't expect a full uninterrupted
night of sleep (I'm not stupid - really!!) but we'll see how it goes.
I think I've rambled long enough - have a good one and hugs to all!!
George, Jasper and the Crew
Georgette Peters                          Nothing is ferret-proof to a
Steacie Science Library                   sufficiently talented ferret.
York University
4700 Keele Street                                     *****
North York, Ontario                                 *********
M3J 1P3                                               *****
                                             Dook, dook, bjork, bjork!
e-mail - [log in to unmask]                        - Swedish Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2575]