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Fri, 29 Jan 1999 14:22:19 EST
Ben Herr <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Over the past few months I have read many of your posts.  Some I agreed
with, some I disagreed with, but in nearly all of them I felt you could
have used a little more subtlety, that your people skills did not include
diplomacy or finesse.  On several occasions I felt you were deliberately
"baiting" or "trolling" with controversial subjects or the way you phrased
things.  A short time ago I read a response from a FML reader directed to
you asking "Do you even like ferrets?".  At the time I thought maybe the
question was a little harsh, that you certainly "had" to like ferrets, but
your posts certainly could use a little polish.  Now I realize how naive I
have been.
To describe the act of blowing out the brains of an animal as "a bit less
clinical & dry" as compared to a vet administering chemically induced
death, is in my opinion a perfect example of my feeling that you are
trolling.  I can't believe that any loving caring ferret owner would even
consider taking their ferret to you, to have its brains blown out.
I cannot fathom a reason for you being "obliged" to kill 222 squirrels in
the past nine years, nor do I really care to learn of the circumstances.  I
am curious how you know that all 222 were dead before they collapsed on the
ground, and that death was instantaneous?  I also have to ask how you have
managed to keep such an exact score with such a voluminous body count over
such a long period of time?  Are there 222 notches on your Benjamin air
To think that blowing the brains out of an animal at point blank range is
a "skilled service" in my opinion, is just plain moronic.  Any thug with
a firearm could do it.  It requires about as much skill as smashing a
ferret's head between two bricks.
Ben Herr
Lyndhurst, Ohio
[Posted in FML issue 2571]