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Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:26:43 EST
Caroline Jones aka CJ <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (63 lines)
Hi all,
Well i just thought I'd post my views and experiences with the ferret
distember vaccine.  I'm not a vet, I do work at a clinic though.  I have
a ferret shelter so when a ferret comes in I bring them to the vet for a
health check and to get their vax updated.  Well, I started getting severe
reactions to the distemper vaccine, Two fatal reactions.  My vets advised
that I discontinue giving the distemper vax, which I did, since then no
problems.  It seems that when ferrets come to the shelter they have been in
a situation that has been uprooted, in some cases no history is available,
and most are stressed out in some way.  I was getting them vaxed with a
modified live vaccine, which if the immuine system is compromised may cause
a negative rxn.  I was even waiting until the ferret was at the shelter for
a while before giving the vaccine.
I have seen many neg.  vax rxn's at the clinic in other animals, a few of
the vets I know admit that sometimes vaccines are more harmful that good.
I'm not saying don't vax your ferret, just take precautions, and if your
vet advises you not to vaccinate then don't do it.  each ferret is
different so you can't just lump them together, whats good for one may not
be good for the other.  I don't vaccinate any of my older pets anymore.  i
do believe that kits need their inital vaccines to build an immunity up.  I
recently rescued a pup that wound up with parvo, my other 3 dogs never even
got sick and they were around her.  The body builds up immunitys after
years of being vaccinated, there have been studies to prove this.  i'm a
believer in not putting things into your animal than is necessary.  I would
never vaccinate an animal that has had a rxn to a vax.  again this is just
my opnion, I'm sure I'll be flamed, but so be it.
since I've stopped giving the distemper vax, I've had no problems with
distemper vax reactions, and no problems with distemper either.  i do
advise the new owners that when the ferret settles into his new home to get
the distemper vaccine, noone has seemed upset about it, and i've had a
positive response from it.  The ferrets are current on their rabies vax
when they leave here.
The bottom line is to do what is best for your ferret, whether its giving
the distemper vaccine or not, don't do it just because its benn drilled
into or heads over the years that its the right thing to do.  you all know
whats best for your ferrets.
sorry this is so long, i'm not good at saying things and i wanted to try to
just pass on some personal experiences and voice my opnion.  thanks for
A Kish update, he is running around like a spring chicken, eating his duck
soup, and playing with the cats!
BTW, i have a special case ferret that needs an experienced owner, he had
been adopted out twice and brought back for being aggressive and biting
people.  he does not do that here..any ideas.  If your interested in his
story i'll post it tomorrow for any suggestions.  he is a 4.5 lb male,
hates men mostly, and tries to kill other ferrets.  he will stay here if
need be, we love him despite his problems.
24 Carat Ferret Rescue and Shelter
where ferrets are treated like gold......
cause we are, silly mommy....the fer-rat brat pack of Las Vegas
to help the shelter ferrets go to the following website and sign on as a
member, at no cost to you!
[Posted in FML issue 2569]