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Tue, 26 Jan 1999 02:50:18 -0800
Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (66 lines)
Hello NWFR, hello, hello, hello . . . . . (and hello to others who are
not yet on the Nor'West Ferret Report but who are FMLers)
I have the hope that soon the officials who are responsible for such will
please publish on this mailing list, perhaps in continuing parts
consecutively, the Charter document that describes just what the Washington
State Ferret Ass'n WSFA is, its purpose, its objectives and its destiny
for the future of the Washingtonian Ferret (Pet skunks and pet mink too,
And, thank God for them, those with the strong broad backs and the tough
skin of the rhino and ear-to-ear brains, the worker bees of the
organization, would that their duties and responsibilities be outlined as
an adjunct to the Doubleuesseffhay's Charter.  T'would be a good thing
me thinks insofar that we members and even the interested non-members would
then be guided to the responsible honcho with our pleadings, contributions,
requests, demands, and growling grenades.  Is what I'm saying that there
should be clearly identified "targets" of our aim to achieve the highest
efficiency possible in the rapid transaction of day-to-day business of the
Doubleuesseffhay .. that we should know to whom to direct our contributions
of labor, riches, talent, time and, well, yes - there will be in times to
come, to be sure - "contributions" of concern, stressful worry, and even
missives of POers*?
As a virginal joiner (up until last Sunday - never have joined any
organization) who is no longer chaste, I can't help but be somewhat curious
about my intercourse with Doubleuesseffhay.  It's like the morning after:
oh me oh my; what did I do last night, I mean last Sunday?  What did I (
you'll pardon the expression?) "link" up with?
Before anyone accuses this low flyer of writing soft porn ( that does sound
kinda sexy I'll have to admit) all I'm attempting to get out of this dumb
missive is for all of us a description of our organization and "job
descriptions" of the Queen bee (King bee in this case) and all the worker
How 'bout that?  What do you'all think?  Is this a good idea or not?  I'm
told that these documents currently exist.
And then there was this guy who, as I was leaving the meeting, held up his
right hand, three fingers in the air with his thumb pressed against his
little finger, and asked me: Hey you!  Can you read between the lines?
Hmmm.  Still haven't figured that one out yet.  (No, no - this didn't
happen.  Thought it was kinda' cute though <Grin>)
*POers = Pissed Off ers
This e-mail from that backwards kind of guy, drawdE iksnipiL who wants to
know where is Pysht, Washington?.  and is it anywhere near Clearwater,
Oh yes; just this last thought: consider this a soft, very soft plea for
all those good ferret people out there who for one reason or another
(mostly because of the association of persons now with WSFA with whom they
may have enmity) have stayed aloof from WSFA, please consider joining the
organization.  Perhaps you may disagree with the following rationale, but
the greater the diversity of persons, opinions, and thoughts, the healthier
and stronger a democratic organization will be.  It would seem that one
good way to keep an org democratic and undictatorial is for you to work
within the org, so that your influence will be shared by all for the
ultimate good of the org and not remain aloof and distant, thereby denying
all of us the benefit of your genius.  Be all you can be!  Join the US
Army!  Hey, if it's good enough for the army, it's good enough for me.  OK
everybody, At Ease!  (Oh schussshh, drawdE.)
[Posted in FML issue 2568]