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Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:28:22 -0600
Jason Creager <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Those of you on the Ferret Forum Mailing List have already seen this
information.  Since the two lists do not have the same subscriber base, I
felt it should be posted here as well.  Here is how EXPENSIVE it is to
feed Totally Ferret:
Hi everyone!
My girl Storm ate .75 ounce of Totally Ferret every day this week. In
order to be fair, I've elected to use The Ferret Store's price for the 15#
bag of Totally Ferret as the reference price because that is the price at
which everyone in the USA can buy it.  My actual cost for the food was
lower because I split a 30# bag from Jeffers Pet Supply with some friends.
Storm (as previously stated) is a 1.75 pound sprite and pretty much an
"average" ferret in my experience.
The Ferret Store's price of $39.95 for a 15# bag includes shipping, so it's
easier to compute, as well.
That averages out to 16.64 cents per ounce.  Storm eats 5.25 oz per week.
That rounds off to 87 cents PER WEEK to feed her the best food available.
Some comparisons.....
1. It cost the same amount of money to mail a first class letter as to buy
   two days' worth of Totally Ferret.
2. One gallon of gas (around here) equals a week's worth of Totally Ferret.
3. A McDonald's Extra Value Meal will keep you fed for a few hours.  The
  same amount of money will keep a single ferret fed for about three and a
  half weeks.
4. Would you rather buy the latest compact disc at Best Buy......or
   SEVENTY TWO days of ferret food?
Granted, I have one ferret.  If I had three more just like her (or two
little piggly wiggly ferrets and one more like her), my food cost would
*skyrocket* to a whopping $3.48 per week!  Ouch!  I'll bet that is almost
as much as a dog!
It sure looks like ferrets are one of the most affordable animals to feed.
My uromastyx certainly take a bigger bite out of my wallet than Storm does!
At the very least, she doesn't need a new $20 flourescent lamp twice a
Conclusion?  Totally Ferret is pretty cheap.
I seriously doubt there is a better use for twelve and a half pennies per
[Posted in FML issue 2568]